Become a member of the European Parliament for a day!

What is it all about? - The Green Deal showdown
In our EU parliamentary simulation game, you represent one of the major political groups in the European Parliament and take a position on the Green Deal together with students from h_da, UTT from France and CUT from Cyprus. The EGD aims to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050 – but it is controversial. Should climate protection come first or economic development? Conservative and right-wing political groups warn of the negative effects on industry, while Greens and Left fight for ambitious climate action. You will discuss with other EUt+ students, develop strategies like a real EP member and shape the future of European climate policy! Lecturers and external experts in this field will be available to answer your questions and provide further information during the project.
What's in it for you?
• 5 credit points
• Practical skills in debate, diplomacy and EU politics, as well as valuable intercultural skills
• A Europe-wide network of committed students
What can you expect?
Course of the hybrid teaching project - all parts will take place in English
Three phases to success - With students and teachers from three EUt+ universities (Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da))
1. Online block seminars - imparting basic knowledge, introduction to the content and self-study
6th, 7th, 13th and 14th March 2025: 6 pm to 8 pm (CET)
8th and 15th March 2025: from 8:30 am to 3 pm (CET)
2. Onsite workshop week at h_da - development and deepening of positions on the simulation game, debating exercises and excursion to Straßbourg or Brussels
2nd to 6th June 2025
3. Simulation game day at h_da - when the EU parliamentary simulation game takes place
At the end of our workshop week
What do you have to do for the exam performance?
Regular attendance, active participation in all parts, group position paper (8000 characters, 25%) plus presentation (25%) and simulation game (50%)
How to apply?
WHO: All students from h_da. The number of participants is limited to 10. Selection is based on the letters of motivation submitted. Language skills at B2 level are an advantage.
WHERE: Register with a short letter of motivation (max. 1000 characters) using the form below
WHEN: The registration period begins on 1st December 2024 and ends on 12th January 2025.
Haardtring 100
Büro: A12, 509
Im SoSe 2025: Nach vorheriger Vereinbarung per Email
Haardtring 100
Büro: A12, 5.11
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